Factory Introduction
Wu Gang City Billion Textile Co. Ltd., Suzhou City Billion Textile Co. Ltd. and Suzhou City Billion Textile Co. Ltd. We are private enterprises that combine research and development, production, processing, trade and have the right to own exports and imports. Billion crowns are mainly used for external exports, the bulk of the business is traded and the bulk of the company is sewn.
Our Division currently has hundreds of staff, more than 20 R & D teams, more than 50 sales teams, more than 20 quality control teams, multiple production lines and more than 1,000 production equipment. We're a dragon from knitting, dyeing the fabric, sewing the finished product to the final product.
My department's main producer of slurry and clothing.
Among the household slinging products are beach towels, towels, sports towels, bathrobes, ice-free towels (icing towels, cold sensory towels), sandbutton pants, pajamas, pajamas, dry-haired hats, fast-dry towels, outdoor travel towels, promotion of gift towels, pillowcases, cushions, etc.
The fabric consists of two-faced velvets, ice towels, velvets, velvets, shrouds, mimicks, peach velvets, chronium, etc.
My department's product is of high quality, and it's a production process. More than 80 per cent of the products are exported to markets in developed countries such as Europe and the United States, have a stable client base and market share and are highly trusted by international clients.